I will present a Lambda Calculus interpreter in this post. It is an (almost) exact translation from the ML code in chapter 9 of ML for the Working Programmer by Lawrence C. Paulson. This program incorporates a parser to convert string to an internal represenation of lambda expression, a pretty printer to reconvert the internal represenation to a formatted string in a human-readable form, and two evaluation functions (lazy and strict respectively) to reduce a given lambda expression to its normal form.
Code below:
module Lci (
,reader -- String -> Lambda
,pr -- Lambda -> String
,byValue -- Lambda -> Lambda
,byName -- Lambda -> Lambda
,evalV -- String -> Lambda
,evalN -- String -> Lambda
,tryV -- String -> IO ()
,tryN -- String -> IO ()
) where
-- Parser
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as T
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language (emptyDef)
-- Pretty Printing
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP
import Text.PrettyPrint (Doc, (<>), (<+>))
-- Environment
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
-- Data
data Lambda = Free String
| Bound Int
| Abs String Lambda
| App Lambda Lambda
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
type Env = Map.Map String Lambda
-- Parser
abstract :: Int -> String -> Lambda -> Lambda
abstract i s (Free s') | s == s' = Bound i
| otherwise = Free s'
abstract _ _ (Bound i) = Bound i
abstract i s (Abs s' t) = Abs s' (abstract (i+1) s t)
abstract i s (App t1 t2) = App (abstract i s t1) (abstract i s t2)
-- Abstraction over several free variables
absList :: [String] -> Lambda -> Lambda
absList xs t = foldr (\x acc -> Abs x (abstract 0 x acc)) t xs
-- Application of t to several terms
appList :: Lambda -> [Lambda] -> Lambda
appList = foldl (\acc x -> App acc x)
-- Shift a term's non-local indices by i
shift :: Int -> Int -> Lambda -> Lambda
shift 0 _ u = u
shift i d u@(Free s) = u
shift i d u@(Bound j) = if j >= d then Bound (j+i) else Bound j
shift i d (Abs s t) = Abs s (shift i (d+1) t)
shift i d (App t1 t2) = App (shift i d t1) (shift i d t2)
-- Substitution for bound variable
subst :: Int -> Lambda -> Lambda -> Lambda
subst _ _ t@(Free _) = t
subst i u t@(Bound i') | i' <>
| i' == i = shift i 0 u
| otherwise = Bound (i' - 1) -- non-local to t
subst i u (Abs s t') = Abs s (subst (i+1) u t')
subst i u (App t1 t2) = App (subst i u t1) (subst i u t2)
-- Lexer & Parser
lexer :: T.TokenParser ()
lexer = T.makeTokenParser emptyDef
whiteSpace= T.whiteSpace lexer
lexeme = T.lexeme lexer
symbol = T.symbol lexer
parens = T.parens lexer
identifier= T.identifier lexer
p_term :: Parser Lambda
p_term = do{ symbol "^"
; ids <- many1 identifier
; symbol "."
; t <- p_term
; return $ absList ids t
<|> do{ t <- p_atom
; ts <- many p_atom
; return $ appList t ts
p_atom :: Parser Lambda
p_atom = do{ s <- identifier
; return $ Free s
<|> parens p_term
p_top :: Parser Lambda
p_top = do{ whiteSpace
; t <- p_term
; eof
; return t
reader :: String -> Lambda
reader input = case (parse p_top "" input) of
Left err -> error $ show err
Right x -> x
-- Pretty Printing
-- Free variables in a term
vars :: Lambda -> [String]
vars (Free s) = [s]
vars (Bound _) = []
vars (Abs s t) = vars t
vars (App t u) = vars t ++ vars u
-- Rename variable "a" to avoid clashes
rename bs a = if a `elem` bs then rename bs (a ++ "'") else a
-- Remove leading lambdas, return bound variable names
stripAbs t = strip [] t
where strip bs (Abs s t) =
let b = rename (vars t) s
in strip (b:bs) (subst 0 (Free b) t)
strip bs u = (reverse bs, u)
pr_term :: Lambda -> Doc
pr_term (Free s) = PP.text s
pr_term (Bound i) = PP.text "??UNMATCHED INDEX??"
pr_term t@(Abs _ _) =
let (b:bs, u) = stripAbs t
spaceJoin b z = " " ++ b ++ z
binder = "^" ++ b ++ (foldr spaceJoin ". " bs)
in PP.sep [PP.text binder, pr_term u]
pr_term t = PP.sep (pr_app t)
pr_app (App t u) = pr_app t ++ [PP.nest 1 (pr_atom u)]
pr_app t = [pr_atom t]
pr_atom (Free s) = PP.text s
pr_atom t = PP.nest 1 $ PP.parens $ pr_term t
pr :: Lambda -> String
pr = PP.render . pr_term
-- Reduction
eval (App t1 t2) =
case eval t1 of
(Abs a u) -> eval (subst 0 (eval t2) u)
t -> App t (eval t2)
eval t = t
byValue :: Lambda -> Lambda
byValue t = bodies (eval t)
where bodies (Abs a t) = Abs a (byValue t)
bodies (App t u) = App (bodies t) (bodies u)
bodies t = t
headNF (Abs a t) = Abs a (headNF t)
headNF (App t u) =
case headNF t of
(Abs a t') -> headNF (subst 0 u t')
u' -> App u' u
headNF t = t
byName :: Lambda -> Lambda
byName = args . headNF
where args (Abs a t) = Abs a (args t)
args (App t u) = App (args t) (byName u)
args t = t
-- Standard Environment (Lambda Prelude)
-- Substitution for free variables from environment
inst :: Env -> Lambda -> Lambda
inst env t@(Free s) = fromMaybe t (Map.lookup s env)
inst env t@(Bound i) = t
inst env (Abs s t') = Abs s (inst env t')
inst env (App t1 t2) = App (inst env t1) (inst env t2)
insertEnv :: Env -> (String, String) -> Env
insertEnv env (a, s) = Map.insert a (reader s) env
stdEnv = foldl insertEnv Map.empty [
-- booleans
("true", "^x y. x"), ("false", "^x y. y")
,("if", "^p x y. p x y")
-- pairs
,("pair", "^x y f. f x y")
,("fst", "^p. p true"), ("snd", "^p. p false")
-- Evaluators
evalWith :: (Lambda -> Lambda) -> Env -> String -> Lambda
evalWith fn env = fn . inst env . reader
evalV = evalWith byValue stdEnv
evalN = evalWith byName stdEnv
tryV = putStrLn . pr . evalV
tryN = putStrLn . pr . evalN
1 条评论:
This line appears to be a syntax error:
subst i u t@(Bound i') | i' <>